Your Questions – Answered!
Q: What can hypnosis effectively treat?
A: Hypnosis is a powerful tool for helping people deal with pain, stress, and anxiety. It can also help you lose weight, overcome sexual dysfunction, increase your focus and ability to retain and recall information. It can boost your confidence, increase your motivation, and address issues like insomnia, fears around public speaking, phobias, and even smoking addiction. Hypnosis can help you to eat in a healthy way and nurture a positive body image. When used alongside traditional medicine, hypnosis therapy has shown positive results in managing anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, compulsive behaviors, digestive disorders, skin conditions, and symptoms of autoimmune diseases. It has even been found to reduce recovery time from burns and surgery, as well as help with teeth grinding and other oral conditions.
Q: How old is the practice of hypnosis?
A: Hypnosis has a rich history spanning centuries. It’s roots can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where trance like states were employed for healing and spiritual purposes by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. However, modern hypnosis took shape in the late 18th century with Austrian physician Franz Mesmer, who introduced “animal magnetism” techniques for inducing trance-like states. In the 19th century, Scottish surgeon James Braid coined the term “hypnosis” and focused on the power of suggestion, moving away from Mesmer’s theories. Sigmund Freud, the famous psychoanalyst, initially used hypnosis in his clinical work, later contributing to the understanding of the subconscious mind. In the 20th century, pioneers like Milton H. Erickson and Dave Elman developed their unique approach to hypnotherapy. Today hypnotherapy is widely accepted as an effective therapeutic technique, utilized by trained professionals to address various issues, showcasing the evolving understanding of the human mind and it’s capacity for positive change.
Q: I am a religious person is it ok for me to have hypnotherapy?
A: Yes, most religions have no issue with hypnosis. The only religious groups that are the exception to this rule is Christian Scientists and Seventh Day Adventists.
Q: Is hypnosis a form of mind control?
A: No need to worry! Hypnosis and being in a state of trance is not about mind control. Throughout the process, you are always in complete control. You'll hear and remember everything that's said, and you can respond at any point. Hypnosis is not about giving up control; it's about choosing to take back control, empowering yourself to make positive changes, and regaining autonomy.
Q: What does hypnosis feel like?
A: During hypnosis, you'll close your eyes and experience a deep sense of relaxation. You might feel a pleasant heaviness or a light, floating sensation. Alternatively, you may simply feel like you're just sitting on a chair with your eyes closed. The depth of relaxation depends on how deeply you choose to go. There's no right or wrong experience. Your experience won't be like it's depicted in a movie or TV show. You may have interesting moments of self-understanding, and your focus may shift during the session. You will remember everything that's said and you'll be able to speak and if you want to, you can come out of trance at any point during the process. And remember, you're free to move, scratch, or adjust yourself as needed to enhance your relaxation.
Q: Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
A: No, rest assured, there has never been a documented case of someone getting stuck in hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is a completely safe and well-established therapeutic practice. The use of hypnosis was approved by the ‘Council of Mental Health of the American Medical Association’ back in 1958 as being safe and having no harmful side effects. The worst that can happen is you become so relaxed you fall asleep. It’s important to dispel the misconception that someone can get stuck in a trance during a hypnotherapy session, as this is simply not true. Hypnosis is a natural state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, but it’s not a state of unconsciousness or loss of control. Clients in hypnotherapy sessions are always aware of their surroundings and can choose to come out of the hypnotic state at any time if they wish. Hypnotherapists are trained professionals who work with clients to help them achieve their therapeutic goals, and their primary concern is the well being and comfort of their clients throughout the process. So, you can feel confident that hypnotherapy is a safe and effective way to address various issues and help you make positive change in your life.
Q: How is stage hypnosis different from hypnotherapy?
A: Stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy are often mistaken for being similar but in reality they are very different practices. Stage hypnosis is a form of entertainment where the hypnotist selects specific volunteers from the audience and creates a show by using amusing and often outrageous suggestions. The main goal of a stage hypnosis show is to entertain and amuse the audience, and the volunteers are willing participants. They want to be hypnotized and self select to be part of the experience. On the other hand hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique used to address various issues like anxiety, phobias or addition. It is a collaborative and therapeutic process where the client is in control throughout the session, and the hypnotist’s aim is to help the individual achieve their personal goals. It is important to understand hypnotherapy is a tool to help individuals tap into their own subconscious mind to bring about positive changes in their lives. So rest assured, hypnotherapy is a safe and effective way to address personal issues, far removed from the misconceptions of ‘mind control’ associated with stage hypnosis.
Q: How is hypnotherapy different from affirmations?
A: Hypnotherapy and affirmations are both used to influence a person’s thoughts, beliefs, and behavior positively. However there are some key differences. Hypnotic suggestions are made in a trance state (usually by a trained hypnotherapist or using self hypnosis techniques). The aim of this is to bypass the critical conscious mind and influence the subconscious mind where suggestions are more readily accepted. Hypnotic suggestions can have a huge impact and are very effective changing habits, and thought patterns. Change can be rapid and they have the added benefit of being tailored specifically for the individual. Whereas, affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself in a conscious and wakeful state. This reinforces positive beliefs and counteracts negative thoughts. Affirmations help individuals cultivate a more positive inner dialogue, which can improve self esteem and self confidence. They can be used anytime so they are convenient and using them regularly can reduce stress and anxiety by promoting a more optimistic mindset. Both techniques can help facilitate behavioral change, improve self image, reduce stress, help achieve goals and enhance well being and this is why I use both hypnosis and affirmations as well as coaching to have the greatest impact for my clients.
Q: How many sessions will I require?
A: That is difficult to answer as each person is unique. Some people are instantly transformed. Others require more time to process. Often the longer the issue has been a problem the more sessions will be required. On average it can take 3 to 6 sessions but every one is different so it’s good to be aware that everyone has different needs. Bear in mind it is cheaper to buy the 3 session packages or 6 session packages as they are heavily discounted.
Q: How can I get the most out of my session?
A: To make the most of your session, be sure to listen to the primer and complete any tasks given to you. It's also a good idea to have something to eat and use the bathroom before your session. Approach the session with curiosity and interest, and be open to any insights you may receive. After the session, make it a habit to listen to your personalized hypnotic track every day for at least 21 days. This repetition helps solidify healthy habits and new ways of thinking. Additionally, continue following any tasks given to you.
Q: Why is it important to listen to the recording?
A: Forming new habits usually takes around 21 days. Hypnosis can be seen as a process of developing new habits. By listening to the recording, you reinforce those healthy habits and embed them in your mind. This step is crucial for solidifying the desired changes in your thinking patterns and behaviours. Committing to listening to the recording will greatly assist you in achieving the changes you're seeking.
Q: What services do you offer?
A: I offer a range of services to accommodate your budget and needs. If you have no budget, you can follow me on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, where I provide useful tips and tricks for self-coaching. If you have a limited budget, you can download my hypnosis tracks for specific issues. If you require more personalized assistance, feel free to reach out, and I can create a tailored program that fits within your budget.
Q: Do you offer coaching or hypnosis packages?
A: Currently, I offer three-session packages for single issues and six-session packages for more complex problems. For those without financial constraints, I provide long-term professional life coaching and hypnosis therapy consultancy with full support through six-month or one-year packages. Long-term coaching allows us to address all your concerns at your own pace, gain valuable insights about yourself, and develop resilience and coping skills. Together, we can create a customized, actionable plan to tackle each issue one by one, empowering you to feel in control of your life.
Q: How do I get started with the process of working with you?
A: To get started, simply fill in your details via the contact form on my website (scroll down to the bottom of this page.) I'll then send you an intake form, and we can schedule a convenient time to speak via Zoom. This initial call is completely free and serves as an opportunity for us to determine if we're a good fit to work together.
Q: Do you offer any discounts?
A: Absolutely! I offer a 5% reduction on fees for students and veterans. If you qualify for the discount, please don't hesitate to contact me, and I'll be glad to apply it for you.